
Mittwoch, Oktober 15, 2008

Firefox Alpha, Beta + RC History, Resources / Jun'08 Update

-- Firefox 1.0 Milestones --
2004-09-14 :: 0.10/1.0 Preview Release
2004-10-28 :: 1.0 RC1, RC2 (no resources found)
2004-11-09 :: 1.0 final -

-- Deer Park Milestones --
2005-05-31 :: 1.1 Alpha 1
2005-07-13 :: 1.1 Alpha 2 (DevNews)
2005-09-08 :: 1.4/1.5 Beta 1 (DevNews)
2005-10-06 :: 1.4.1/1.5 Beta 2
2005-11-01 :: 1.5 RC1 (DevNews)
2005-11-11 :: 1.5 RC2 (DevNews)
2005-11-17 :: 1.5 RC3 (DevNews)
2005-11-29 :: 1.5 final

--Bon Echo Milestones --
2006-03-22 :: 2.0 Alpha 1 (DevNews)
2006-05-12 :: 2.0 Alpha 2 (DevNews)
2006-05-26 :: 2.0 Alpha 3 (DevNews)
2006-07-12 :: 2.0 Beta 1 (DevNews)
2006-08-31 :: 2.0 Beta 2 (DevNews)
2006-09-26 :: 2.0 RC1
2006-10-06 :: 2.0 RC2
2006-10-17 :: 2.0 RC3
2006-10-24 :: 2.0 final (DevNews)

-- Gran Paradiso Milestones --
2006-12-08 :: 3.0 Alpha 1 (DevNews)
2007-02-07 :: 3.0 Alpha 2 (DevNews)
2007-03-23 :: 3.0 Alpha 3 (DevNews)
2007-04-27 :: 3.0 Alpha 4 (DevNews)
2007-06-06 :: 3.0 Alpha 5 (DevNews)
2007-07-02 :: 3.0 Alpha 6 (DevNews)
2007-08-03 :: 3.0 Alpha 7 (DevNews)
2007-09-20 :: 3.0 Alpha 8 (DevNews)
2007-11-20 :: 3.0 Beta 1 (DevNews | 1st run)
2007-12-18 :: 3.0 Beta 2 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-02-12 :: 3.0 Beta 3 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-03-10 :: 3.0 Beta 4 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-04-02 :: 3.0 Beta 5 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-05-16 :: 3.0 RC1 (DevNews | 1st run (bkp) (3.0))
2008-06-04 :: 3.0 RC2 (DevNews | 1st run (3.0))
2008-06-11 :: 3.0 RC3 (DevNews | 1st run (3.0))
2008-06-17 :: 3.0 final (DE | DevNews | 1st run)

-- Shiretoko Milestones --
2008-07-28 :: 3.1 Alpha 1 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-09-05 :: 3.1 Alpha 2 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-10-14 :: 3.1 Beta 1 (DevNews | 1st run)
2008-12-08 :: 3.1 Beta 2 (DevNews | 1st run)

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Freitag, September 05, 2008

Ruby on Rails

ein schönes Video zu Ruby on Rails gefunden in einem Blog,

werde die videos irgendwo spiegeln ... passendes zu django

Montag, Oktober 15, 2007

Spickzettel für allerlei Programme

- Synchronize - Direction: "Local" means "from remote to local"

Unix Shell
- find ./ -iname '*paTTErN*'
- netcat printer-hostname 9100 <
- apropos mpeg

Unix Screen
- C-a c : create window, C-a A : give name to window
- C-a C-a : switch to previous window
- C-a n, C-a p : next/previous window
- C-a N : go to window N, N in (0..9)
- C-a " : show list, navigate per arrows or j/k
- C-a w : show list, non-interactive
- C-a K : kill the window
- C-a d : detatch; screen -r : reattach
- C-a [ : scrollback and enter copy mode;
- C-a ] : paste previously marked text
- C-a ? : help
-> introduction

- pdftops v3.02pl2 → wrong bounding boxes on pdflatex files, use Adobe Acrobat Pro instead

- IEEE Xplore link pattern:
- ACM link pattern:

- don't use cue sheet files with vbr encoded files, to split them
- or a special vbr-file cue sheet must be created

- standard size of the slides in [mm]: w:242 h:160.5
- doubled size: w:484 h:321

Windows Tipps
- Icons: c:\windows\system32\wmploc.dll, c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll

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Montag, Oktober 08, 2007

Zweiter Chefentwickler verlässt das Thunderbird-Projekt

Mal wieder bei Golem gelesen: Thunderbird: Zweiter Chefentwickler geht - "David Bienvenu nur noch bis zum 12. Oktober 2007 bei Mozilla". (Über den ersten habe ich vor ein paar Tagen schon berichtet)

Wie ging noch mal der Spruch mit den Ratten und dem sinkenden Schiff. Ist eigentlich Schade, aber vielleicht kommt so tatsächlich frischer Wind ins Projekt, aber dafür habe ich zu wenig Kenntnis wie es intern in diesem Projekt aussah, bzw. wie es dort jetzt aussieht. Wie viele Chefentwickler gab es insgesamt, waren das die einzigen?

Vielleicht findet sich bei einem Unternehmen das sich in gleichen Gewässern tummelt. Fehlt es dem Star-/OpenOffice-Projekt nicht an einem PIM? Wollte Sun sich nicht für den Thunderbird engagieren? Wäre Schade wenn Thunderbird jetzt einschlafen würde, bisher hat es am ehesten meinen Vorstellungen von einem guten E-Mail-Client entsprochen. Wenn die beiden Chefentwickler wie bei Golem angedeutet an einem neuen E-Mail-Client arbeiten sollten entsteht vielleicht durch diese Arbeit ein vernünftiger Nachfolger, wer weiß...

Der perfekte E-Mail-Client

Was mich sehr reizen würde, wäre wenn sie einige durch Google Mail etablierte Konzepte aufgreifen würden, am besten ein Programm mit ähnlicher Funktionalität wie Google, das aber durch die Unterstützung von IMAP anbieterunabhängig wird, mit einfacher Suche und Labels als Ordner. Der in Opera integrierte Mail-Client geht in diese Richtung, aber ich konnte mich mit ihm nicht wirklich anfreunden, da neben vielen anderen Kleinigkeiten insbesondere Spam sehr komisch behandelt wird, und anstatt es gesondert zu behandeln, wird alles im Eingangsordner angezeigt, und IMAP wird eher etwas stiefmütterlich behandelt. Von S/MIME und PGP/GPG ganz zu schweigen.


Zu meiner höchst spekulativen Vermutung bezüglich der Mozilla-Strategie, sie seien der Meinung die E-Mail-Funktionalität in Zukunft durch die Browser+Web-Applikation gut abgedeckt wäre, die ich in dem vorherigen Posting zum Abgang des ersten Chefentwicklers geäußert habe, passt auch ein neues Konzept des Site Specific Browsers. Dieses Konzept wurde in der Mozilla-Community in Form des WebRunners aufgegriffen, wovon ich im Lifehacker-Blog erfahren habe. Mit dem WebRunner ist es möglich auf Basis der XulRunner-Laufzeitumgebung einen Browser speziell für Web-Applikationen getrennt vom eigentlichen Standard-WebBrowser. Aufgrund der mangelnden Notwendigkeit werden die meisten oder gar alle typischen Bedienelemente der Browserbenutzerobefläche Web-Applikations-spezifish entfernt, wie bspw. die Adresszeile, Bookmarks, oder Vorwärts- und Rückwartsbuttons. Dafür soll sich die Web-Applikation wie ein lokales Programm verhalten. Einige beispiele für solche im Desktop integrierten Web-Applikationen sind Google Mail (wer hätt's geahnt), Google Reader oder Facebook.

Aber wie schon mal gesagt, mal schauen, was die Zukunft bringt ...

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Freitag, Oktober 05, 2007

Play all lastfm:// links at once

A nice way to play all the "lastfm://" links in the player at once.
(applications used: textpad, ruby [windows])
  • copy html sourcecode to textpad, replace all "\n" -> ""
  • copy modified sourcecode to clipboard
  • start cmd.exe, type: irb [ENTER]

  • type following into the ruby shell for putting the sourcecode into a variable
    input = <<EOT
    /* paste the html code here
    important: use the shortkey
    or it will take hours
    to insert the text */

  • now find all "lastfm://" uris:
    uris = input.scan(
  • join the found uris into one uri:
    uri = 'lastfm://play/tracks/' +
    uris.gsub(%r|lastfm://play/tracks/|, ',')
  • copy the result from the shell into textpad
  • textpad: replace all "\n" -> ""
Now the result string can be entered in the address line of a web browser and when the "lastfm:" protocol-identifier is associated to the player all the tracks will be played there.

The next step would be to implement all the steps in javascript and put it into a greasemonkey script to automatize them.

Example Results
Here are some results, created by the procedure above:

PS: This Method is useful, when you want to create a playlist for recording the added tracks by e.g. TheLastRipper and hear a preview of the tracks before adding them to the playlist. Also it is useful when you want to play a playlist containing full-length available tracks on

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Donnerstag, Oktober 04, 2007

trackback die zweite

der erste trackback request scheint nicht am ziel angekommen zu sein, vielleicht nur wenn man einen neuen post erstellt? vielleicht muss man mehr daten angeben als nur den den backtrack-link? also noch ein versuch mit diesem (neuen) post ...
der Ursprüngliche Link: Chefentwickler kehrt Thunderbird den Rücken -
schaun wir mal

Nachtrag: :-) Juchuu das funktioniert, eine Sache muss man nur beachten, auf der "post done" o.ä. Seite, die nach dem klicken auf "publish post" kommt muss man ein bisschen warten, bis der javascript-script abgearbeitet ist und man eine erfolgsmeldung sieht "trackback is sent" o.ä. ...
sehr schön, bin jetzt zufrieden :-)

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test trackback

so habe mal greasemonkey installiert und dazu das passende user-script für blogger trackbacks, mal schauen ob die trackback funktionalität auch tut.
Chefentwickler kehrt Thunderbird den Rücken -
so schaun ma mal ob die trackbacks auch funktionieren, der eigentliche kommentar zu dem artikel befindet sich in dem vorhergehenden post: Thunderbird-Projekt ohne Chefentwickler

das war wohl der falsche script, der nur mit der alten version von blogger funktionierte. jetzt probiere ich mal den neuen script aus, trackback edit-feld scheint schon mal da zu sein mal schauen zu was einträge dort führen werden ... komisch finde ich schon mal dass dieses edit-feld mehrzeilig ist, kann man vielleicht mehrere trackback links dort eintragen? ... naja einfach mal ausprobieren

Hier noch ein paar Daten zu der trackback erweiterung:
gefunden hab ich die erweiterung über google -> -> (broken -> google-cache) ->

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Thunderbird-Projekt ohne Chefentwickler

Chefentwickler kehrt Thunderbird den Rücken -
Irgendwie habe ich es geahnt dass so etwas kommt. Ich denke, dass Mozilla-Führung der Meinung ist, dass ein E-Mail-Client als eine Anwendung, die auf einem Rechner lokal ausgeführt wird, keine sehr große Zukunft hat, und dass sich diese Anwendungskategorie mehr und mehr zu einer Web-Application hin bewegt. Bestes Beispiel dafür ist Google Mail. Ich denke auch, dass u.a. deswegen dem Thunderbird-Projekt innerhalb von Mozilla nicht genügend Resourcen zugeteilt wurde. Oder es kann auch sein dass sich aus dem gleichen Grund nicht genügend Entwickler an der Mitarbeit bei Entwicklung des "Vogels" interessiert sind. Das alles könnte schließlich dazu geführt haben, dass die Koordinierung der Entwicklung aus der Mozilla Corp ausgegliedert wurde.
Langsam wirds Zeit dass man sich nach Alternativen umschaut ... schade, dass die Windows-Portierung von Evolution bei der Versionsnummer stark hinterherhinkt ...
Naja mal schauen was die Zukunft bringt ...

Blogged with Flock

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Dienstag, September 18, 2007

SSH Interop, OpenSSH 1 <-> 2 <->

Mirrored from
* (web-archive)
* (web-archive)

Getting OpenSSH to work with and itself

Problem: The password-less public key authentication mechanisms of OpenSSH, protocol version 1, OpenSSH protocol version 2 and's protocol 2 suite don't interoperate seamlessly.

Summary: In this article, I show how I got passwordless authentication amongst these three implementations. This is to be used as a reference for anybody who needs to set up their PKI accross different implementations.

  • Please note that the SSH1 protocol has been known to suffer from a security if you can help it, upgrade to SSH2 as soon as possible.
Acknowledgments: Richard Silverman, co-author of the O'Reilly "snail book" on SSH has made quite a few comments, which I tried to integrate into this article.

If you're like me and you need work on multiple machines, you might be interested in using public key authentication and passwordless login to save yourself the trouble of typing your password every time you log on to a machine. Unfortunately, there are two popular implementations of ssh (done by OpenSSH and and two protocols (version 1 and version 2) which are not transparently compatible with each other. I've recently had to go through the hassle of making three of the four above combinations work with each other and thought I would sum things up so that somebody else might save their time and sweat.

Here is a simplified version of the configuration that I was dealing with:

Figure 1: There are three computers, all running various versions/distributions of linux and ssh. The three implementations of ssh covered in this configuration network are {(OpenSSH, protocol 1), (OpenSSH, protocol 2), (, protocol 2)}. I didn't have to deal with (, protocol 1) or any other implementations so they are not covered here. If you have any information on how to get them to work (or just that it was trivial), send me an email and I will integrate your solutions to this document.

Since there are six ways to connect the three different ssh implementations, I will describe how I got each of the six permutations to work. To be clear, the two protocol versions SSH1 and SSH2 do not interoperate, but it is often the case that an SSH2 client or server can operate in SSH1 compatilibity mode, which means that it can talk to an SSH1 client/server. For the rest of this article, I will assume that your SSH2 peer is able to operate in SSH1-compatibility mode. To find out what protocol and implementation you are running on your system, invoke ssh -V. There are examples at the end.

The following are the six interconnects in figure 1. Click the link that represents your own client->server combination.

(openssh, protocol 1)->(, protocol 2)
(, protocol 2)->(openssh, protocol 1)

I apologize, but this two have eluded me. Thus far I've been able to live without them. The problem is that since one side of the connection uses the SSH1 protocol, SSH1 keys are needed on boths sides of the connection. None of the ssh utilities that I have allow the conversion of SSH1 keys and I haven't figured out how to do it manually. If you figure this out, please mail me and I'll post it up.

(openssh, protocol 1)->(openssh, protocol 2)

Generate a pair of SSH1 keys on the client. Take the default key name ~/.ssh/identity

client$ ssh-keygen
Generating RSA keys: ...............oooooO...........................oooooO
Key generation complete.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/dtliu/.ssh/identity):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/dtliu/.ssh/identity.
Your public key has been saved in /home/dtliu/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
1024 9f:0c:9c:d8:9c:3d:ef:a2:14:31:31:26:56:43:ed:f5 dtliu@client

Copy the public key from the client to the server to the server:

client$ scp ~/.ssh/ server:.ssh
dtliu@server's password: 100% |*****************************| 333 00:00 ETA

On the server, append the newly obtained key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, which stores SSH1 public keys in the OpenSSH implementation:

server$ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Modify the permissions of the authorized_keys file. If this file is write-able by anybody other than the user, then server will deactivate PK authentication.

server$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

At the client, decrypt and register your key with the ssh-agent:
At the client, try and login to the server:
client$ ssh server
Last login: Sun Feb 17 03:25:21 2002 from

Password-less login
At this point, you'll probably want to set up passwordless login, which is done with the following commands:
Invoke ssh-agent and it's outputted shell commands:

client$ eval `ssh-agent`
Agent pid 12899

Decrypt and add your newly generated private key to ssh-agent's database:

client$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/identity
Need passphrase for identity
Enter passphrase for dtliu@client:
Identity added: identity (dtliu@client)

Note: If you are registering another private key, then substitute private key for ~/.ssh/identity:
client$ ssh-add

Now you should be able to do a password-less login to the server:

client$ ssh server
Last login: Sun Feb 17 02:23:27 2002 from client
No mail.

As you will soon notice, this only gives you password-less login through this terminal. To achieve true one-time per system authentication, I would recommend using the Keychain utility. This involves downloading the keychain program and adding two lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.cshrc) files. The utility then keeps you from entering your passphrase more than once.

(openssh, protocol 2)->(openssh, protocol 1)

This one is actually the same as (openssh, protocol 2)->(openssh, protocol 1)

(, protocol 2)->(openssh, protocol 2)

There are two caveats here. One is that the version (2.4.0) that I was using could only handle dsa encryption/decryption. Secondly, for the OpenSSH server to read's public key, you must convert (import) the key from's format to OpenSSH's format. Therefore, all pairs needed to be DSA key pairs.
On the client, generate a DSA key pair (default). In the implementation, SSH2-related keys go in ~/.ssh2:
client$ ssh-keygen
Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair
4 .oOoo.oOo.oO
Key generated.
1024-bit dsa, dtliu@alfalfa.CS.Berkeley.EDU, Sun Feb 17 2002 03:36:40 -0800
Passphrase :
Again :
Private key saved to /automount/calaeno/home4/dtliu/.ssh2/id_dsa_1024_a
Public key saved to /automount/calaeno/home4/dtliu/.ssh2/

Copy the newly generated public key to the server's ~/.ssh directory. Notice here that OpenSSH keeps all keys (SSH1 or SSH2) in the ~/.ssh directory:
client$ scp ~/.ssh2/ server:.ssh

On the server, append the newly acquired public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file. There are two things to notice here. First, we must import the key from the public key format to the OpenSSH public key format. Not all versions of ssh-keygen allow you to do this conversion. This is done with the "-i -f " options. Secondly, OpenSSH keeps all SSH2 public keys in the authorized_keys2 file as opposed to the authorized_keys file. Starting with OpenSSH version 2.9, SSH2 keys can also go in the authorized_keys file:
server$ ssh-keygen -i -f >> authorized_keys2

On the server, make sure that the private key is not write-able by 'group' or 'other':
server$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2

On the client, add the line "IdKey id_dsa_1024_a" to the ~/.ssh2/identification file. This tells the ssh client which files contain the private keys:
client$ echo "IdKey id_dsa_1024_a" >> ~/.ssh2/identification

On the client, decrypt and register your key with the ssh-agent
On the client, try a password-less login:
client$ ssh server
Authentication successful.
Last login: Sun Feb 17 03:43:06 2002 from

(openssh, protocol 2)->(, protocol 2)

There are a couple of tricks needed to get this pair to work together. First the server only understands dsa-style keys, so you have to ask the OpenSSH ssh-keygen program to make you a DSA key. Second, the OpenSSH and keys have incompatible formats, so you have to get ssh-keygen to convert your public key from OpenSSH format to format. Not all versions of ssh-keygen allow you to do this conversion.
On the client, make a DSA key pair:
client$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/dtliu/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/dtliu/.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/dtliu/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:

On the client, export the newly acquired public key to the format. This can be done invoking the '-e -f ' options, assuming your ssh-keygen is capable:
client$ ssh-keygen -e -f ~/.ssh/ > newPubKey

On the client, copy the converted public key to the server's ~/.ssh2 directory, restoring the original name:
client$ scp newPubKey alfalfa:.ssh2/
dtliu@server's password:
scp: warning: Executing scp1 compatibility.
tmp 100% |*****************************| 727 00:00

On the server, append the string "Key" to's authorization file. This tells the sshd server which public keys are capable of authenticating users:
server$ echo "Key" >> ~/.ssh2/authorization

On the client, decrypt and register your key with the ssh-agent
Try performing a password-less login to the server:
client$ ssh server
Last login: Sun Feb 17 2002 02:29:21 -0800 from

About ssh-keygen's options for import/export to's public-key format
I had two recent eversions of ssh-keygen, both of which were able to convert from's public key format to OpenSSH's public key format.
OpenSSH_2.9p2. To convert from to OpenSSH:

computer$ ssh-keygen -i -f

To convert from to

computer$ ssh-keygen -e -f

OpenSSH_2.5.2p2. This version can only convert dsa keys and only from to OpenSSH: To convert from to OpenSSH:
computer$ ssh-keygen -X
Enter file in which the key is (/home/dtliu/.ssh/identity):
ignore: ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----
ignore: Subject: dtliu
ignore: Comment: "1024-bit dsa, dtliu@chris, Sun Feb 17 2002 08:30:10 -0800"
ignore: ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----

Detailed Information on Configuration
My testbed consisted of the following three linux boxes:
ssh-implementation version distro-version
OpenSSH2 OpenSSH_2.9p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090602f Red Hat 7.2
OpenSSH1 SSH Version OpenSSH-1.2.3, protocol version 1.5. Debian (kernel 2.4.14)
ssh.com2 ssh: SSH Secure Shell 2.4.0 (non-commercial version) on i686-pc-linux-gnu Red Hat 6

Figuring out your Implementation/Protocol
Here is ssh -V invoked on four different machines: The following both support SSH2, as shown in red:
OpenSSH_2.5.2p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090600f:
OpenSSH_2.9p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090602f
The following only supports SSH, as shown in red:
SSH Version OpenSSH-1.2.3, protocol version 1.5

I'm not sure how to determine whether's implementations support only ssh1 or only ssh2, but these both support protocol version 2.
ssh: SSH Secure Shell 3.0.0 (non-commercial version) on i686-pc-linux-gnu
ssh: SSH Secure Shell 2.4.0 (non-commercial version) on i686-pc-linux-gnu


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Sonntag, August 12, 2007

http proxy

working but I think non-anonymous proxy server located in usa:

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